DUI Records Search

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DUI Arrests Records Search

What Constitutes a DUI Offense?

You can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) for several reasons, but the most fundamental reason is exceeding the national legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC), which is .08. Besides having a BAC of .08 or above, being in actual physical control of a vehicle, even if it is parked, while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will earn a DUI. The details of DUI law vary from state to state, but those reasons are two consistent factors of a DUI offense. Some states have increased penalties for offenders with a BAC above some limit, such as .10 or .16, depending on the state. Other states have even reduced penalties for drivers with a BAC below .08, but evidence proves they are still driving under the influence. Most states have zero-tolerance policies that enforce a low BAC limit on drivers under the age of 21.

Does Every DUI Offense Become a DUI Arrest?

Normally, a police officer that suspects a driver of driving under the influence will pull that driver over and arrest them. There is a small chance that the offender may be driven home and not arrested and charged with a DUI, but that is up to officer discretion. Once an officer arrests a DUI offender, they are taken to the police department, tests are administered to determine BAC, and the offender is lodged until they are sober.

What May Be Included in a DUI Record

Your DUI records exist as part of your overall criminal records. These records can be accessed by the public and include your driving record. In addition to any criminal convictions you may have, the records include details, including any license suspensions caused by DUI charges and even if you have refused to take a breathalyzer.

Who Can Search for DUI Records and How

A person’s criminal records are available to anyone who seeks them out. There are two ways to find criminal records: on the internet or in the local court system. Asking a court or county clerk is one of the fastest ways to find criminal records if you want to search in person. You can also pay investigative agencies to research for you. The internet can be the faster option since most courts make electronic copies of records available online. The records are searchable through third-party websites that charge for their use, but the fee is generally much smaller than the investigative firms. Searching these websites for DUI records is also faster than searching personally or through the county clerk. You can also use our form above to perform quick DUI searches.

I’ve Just Been Arrested for a DUI. Now What?

At the time of your arrest, the police officer will confiscate your license. Then they fill out the proper license suspension or revocation forms and send them to the DMV. The DMV will review the officer’s report regarding the DUI arrest, the license suspension form, and the BAC test results. It will then decide whether or not your license should be suspended or not. If the DMV does suspend or revoke your license at that time, you have the right to contest the decision through a court hearing within the following ten days. The suspension order is dismissed if the DMV does not suspend your license. The DMV will send you a notification letter only if they dismiss the suspension order.

Future Consequences of a DUI Offense

A DUI conviction can impact your future in various ways. If you are searching for a job, many employers want their prospective employees to have a clean driving record. A DUI conviction may deter them from hiring you when they pursue a background check. A DUI conviction will also increase insurance rates or cause insurance companies to revoke your policy. Courts may view a DUI as a detrimental deciding factor in custody cases. Rental and loan applications may also be denied on the grounds of a prior DUI conviction.

Connect with a Lawyer Today

Since DUI laws differ depending on the state, you should immediately contact a lawyer with any questions. An experienced DUI lawyer can also help lower the severity of your penalties in the short term and help clear your driving record in the long term. Don’t wait to get representation for your DUI charge.

What are DUI Programs?

Drug and alcohol education services are available at rehabilitation facilities to educate people about the dangers of addiction. This form of program, also known as “DUI education,” or “DUI lessons, or “DUI School,” may be required by the court following a DUI arrest. These systems, on the other hand, are about far more than just meeting court criteria. They are intended for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. They can also help you avoid or recover from addiction. For example, there is one famous program in Humboldt County, California. After the DMV suspension, you can begin the classes before the court date.

Our Dui search can be performed on a state level, for example, California, or county level, for instance, Tarrant County, Texas.

Impact of DUI Records on Businesses & Franchise Opportunities

Challenges in Obtaining Licenses and Insurance

A DUI record can present significant hurdles for franchisees, particularly when it comes to securing the necessary licenses and insurance. Regulatory bodies and insurance companies often conduct background checks, and a DUI can be a red flag, leading to delays or denials in obtaining these critical elements. This can disrupt the initial setup and ongoing operations of the franchise.

Influence on the Franchisee’s Credibility

The credibility of a franchisee is paramount in maintaining a successful business relationship. A DUI record can tarnish this credibility, making it difficult to build trust with franchisors, customers, and partners. The franchisee’s reputation is integral to the brand’s integrity, and any blemish can affect the entire franchise network.

Legal Agreements 

Necessity of Thorough Background Checks

Thorough background checks are essential to identify potential risks associated with franchisees. Franchisors need to ensure that candidates meet all legal and ethical standards to protect the brand and other stakeholders. These checks help in making informed decisions about who is allowed to represent the franchise.

Crafting Clear Legal Agreements to Mitigate Risks

Legal agreements should clearly outline the implications of any criminal record, including DUIs. These agreements need to specify the actions that will be taken if a franchisee is found to have a DUI record or if one is acquired during the term of the franchise. By doing so, franchisors can mitigate risks and protect the brand from potential legal and reputational damage.

DUI / DWI facts and statistics

  • In 2018, there were 10,511 casualties in car (including motorcycle) traffic crashes in which at least one of the drivers was considered DUI or DWI. This makes up 29 percent of all traffic casualties for 2018.  Source: nhtsa.dot.gov
  •  2017 DUI Arrest Records Data (all stats): Driving under the influence: 1,017,808. Liquor laws: 234,899. Drunkenness: 376,433. Source:  responsibility.org

Support and Resources for Those with DUI Records

Dealing with the aftermath of a DUI conviction can be challenging, but there are resources available to help you rebuild your life. For comprehensive support and guidance on various aspects of reintegration, visit Help For Felons. This site offers valuable information on employment, housing, and legal advice specifically tailored for individuals with criminal records, including DUI convictions. Whether you’re seeking job opportunities or need assistance navigating life with a DUI record, Help For Felons provides the necessary resources to move forward.